Friday, November 6, 2015

Dinner out with my honey at Nosh 

. . . yes, we had dessert:  a Bananas Foster Frozen Creme Brûlée (look at that yummy spun sugar!) and Croissant Bread Pudding

It's November

The garden is done.  We did cover one of the raised beds with plastic, making an impromptu greenhouse.  Lettuces and swiss chard are coming up.  One of the harvested celery plants was moved to the greenhouse bed.  We'll see if it takes!  Dahlias and a few tomato plants are hanging on though the temps at night have dipped into the 30s.  Herbs have been dug up and transferred to teacups for the kitchen window.  From the kitchen counter we're still enjoying a few lovely heirloom and big girl tomatoes.

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